Saturday - Sunday: 10:00AM - 4:00PM


C.U.R.Eā€™s objective is to provide better and healthier life to the under privileged people who may not have access to medical treatment, medical professionals services, counseling services, regular medical check-up and have transportation to access these services.

Pledge to Restore ambitious goal is to support people-centered health services, facilitate access to safe and effective health technologies; and provides support to strengthen health information systems in Sri Lanka by empowering individuals and communities.

We have dedicated humanitarians who believe that the basic attribute of human being is to look after each other. With support and commitment, we continue to deliver health and hope to people who are desperately seeking medical support.

We strive to combat diseases ā€“ infectious diseases like influenza and HIV and non-communicable ones like cancer and heart disease. We help mothers and children survive and thrive so they can look forward to a healthy old age. We ensure the safety of the air people breathe, the water they drink ā€“ and the medicines and vaccines they need.

Mental Health

Continue to treat mental disorders with safe, effective, and culturally sound programs. Untreated conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder and depression alone has been identified as leading cause of disability in the north and east of Sri Lanka, outpacing heart disease, cancer and HIV. Paradoxically, the suicide rate has gone up there since the end of the war.

The majority of people had witnessed a significant traumatic event during 30 plus years of war, such as the death of a family member (10.4%) or the death of a civilian (57.7%). A large proportion of the females (91.1%) claimed that there was a significant damage to their property and 22.2% of the females had sustained physical injury during the war.

Our priority is to make mental health care a central part of our primary care

Disability Service

Through our programs we enable differently able people to take care of their future. We provide a wide range of tailored, flexible and quality services such as;

  • Life skills: help build everyday life skills to support more independence, confidence and control.
  • Positive behavior support: specialized support for children and adults with behaviors of concern.
  • Job skills & Employment pathways: training differently able people to find self-employment opportunities.
  • Therapy: Roll-out programs with a team of experienced therapists to provide support across physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology and psychology.
  • Personal care and hygiene support
  • Physiotherapy: by engaging experienced professionals, ensuring that the needy people live insecure condition, access the severity of their condition and provide treatment aimed at restoring their strength, balance and mobility.

Our programs and services supports and enhances the health and well being of all person in disability condition. These support helps a person with a disability to actively participate in community activities and reach their full potential.